Effective methods of home treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

How to treat cervical spine osteochondrosis

Many negative factors cause negative changes in the intervertebral discs - the development of chondrosis. When left untreated, the disease progresses, degenerative and dystrophic processes affect bone tissue, osteophytes grow, osteochondrosis develops and neck pain develops.

Home treatment is a set of different measures. It is important to stop the destruction of the discs, eliminate the syndrome of inflammation and pain, and begin the process of restoring the elastic cushion between the vertebrae. A good effect is given by the combination of chondroprotectors, muscle relaxants, NSAIDs with exercise therapy, massage and other methods that affect weakened structures.

Causes and symptoms of osteochondrosis

The disease is getting younger every year. A few decades ago, patients with symptoms of osteochondrosis of the spine after the age of 40-50 turned to a vertebrologist for help, and now many young people are diagnosed with cervical osteochondrosis in their medical records. What is the reason?

Physical inactivity, prolonged use of a computer with little or no movement, endocrine pathologies, smoking, poor nutrition, and poor ecology all increase the risk of damage to intervertebral discs and bone structures. The destruction of cartilage begins much earlier than nature intended.

If earlier the main cause of cervical osteochondrosis was the natural aging process (the cushion between the vertebrae is less nourished with age, becomes less elastic, thinner), now there are many other negative factors.

Increase the risk of degenerative and dystrophic processes in the intervertebral discs and vertebral bodies:

causes of cervical osteochondrosis
  • During heavy work, in professional athletes, when carrying heavy bags, improper lifting techniques, high loads on the support pole;
  • overweight;
  • previous back and neck injuries;
  • endocrine diseases, pregnancy during menopause, pregnancy;
  • chronic pathologies associated with improper mineral metabolism, deposition of salts such as gout;
  • heredity;
  • calcium, magnesium, phosphorus deficiency;
  • long-term excessive coffee consumption, alcohol, drug addiction, smoking;
  • improper diet, vitamin deficiency: malnutrition reduces the degree and quality of cartilage nutrition during diffusion;
  • unwillingness to exercise: the poorer the elasticity of the spine, the weaker the muscle corset, the higher the risk of affecting all the structures of the support column.

Important facts about cervical osteochondrosis:

  • The disease continues with periods of remission and exacerbation. The more carefully the patient follows the doctor's recommendations, the lower the rate of degenerative processes, which slows down the transition from mild to moderate stages of pathology;
  • At an early stage, a person does not suspect that a degeneration process has begun in the pillow. The more negative factors influence, the more actively the intervertebral discs are destroyed;
  • Doctors warn:Excess weight appears against the background of endocrine diseases and low physical activity, which increases the risk of cartilage damage. If a fat person smokes a lot, drinks coffee often, does hard work, or sits at a computer / TV for a long time, we can say with almost 100% certainty: very quickly chondrosis will turn into osteochondrosis, protrusions and intervertebral hernias will appear. will come out.

Signs and symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis:

  • first stage - lack of nutrients reduces the elasticity of the cartilage lining, the height of the disc decreases slightly, there is a slight pain in the back and neck during exercise;
  • The more active the deformation of the intervertebral structures, the more disturbed the discomfort, the higher the risk of disc destruction. When the fibrous ring breaks, the friction of the bone structures increases, the nerve roots are compressed and pain occurs. Compressed blood vessels have a negative effect on the nutrition of important parts of the brain. When sensitive structures and blood vessels constrict, brain nutrition deteriorates, headaches become restless, vision decreases, dizziness, nausea appear;
  • symptoms and manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis
  • In the third stage of osteochondrosis, the integrity of the ring fibrosis is violated, the friction of the bone elements increases, often the pain is disturbed, a hernia develops (disc protrusion occurs). Pain syndrome without the use of NSAIDs and analgesics complicates the patient's life;
  • If you do not consult a doctor, osteochondrosis will enter the quartet, which is the most severe stage. The pillowcase is practically destroyed, the mobility of the waist is reduced. The body tries to compensate for the almost complete absence of elastic discs, osteophytes grow - growths that reduce the pressure on the vertebrae and nerve roots. Stabilization of the support column occurs, the pain subsides, at the same time the mobility of the spine in the cervical region decreases, it is difficult for a person to move, bend, turn, bend his head. The patient often receives a disability group. In severe cases, surgery may be needed to repair weakened vertebral structures using special boards.

Note!In the first or third degree of cervical osteochondrosis, therapy can be performed without hospitalization. In advanced cases, patients with stage IV disease require acute pain syndrome, observation at a vertebrological center, or surgery in a neurosurgery department.

Home treatment

How is cervical osteochondrosis treated? The therapy will be successful if the following rules are followed:

  • start therapy only after a visit to a vertebrologist or orthopedic traumatologist;
  • take the medication prescribed by your doctor;
  • implement a training therapy complex;
  • massage and self-massage in problem areas;
  • Use a doctor-approved folk remedy;
  • Properly equip the work and sleeping area: orthopedic base or shield under the usual mattress, low pillow.

Important points to increase the effect of therapy:

rules of treatment of cervical spine osteochondrosis
  • Do not overload the spine;
  • Do not make sudden movements in the cervical spine;
  • Change occupation if you are constantly engaged in lifting and moving heavy objects in the workplace or with long-term static loads;
  • Patients diagnosed with osteochondrosis should not work in summer homes for long periods of time and should not stretch their backs too much. With cervical osteochondrosis, a sewing profession is not suitable to work on an assembly line at a construction site. It is necessary to choose the type of activity in which it is possible to change loads and rest;
  • walk more in the air, move, do not spend much time in one position: long-term dynamic and static loads are harmful;
  • combines oral medications with topical medications. For active analgesia, use transdermal patches that should be applied to the painful area: neck, shoulder girdle. Thin strips impregnated with an analgesic or a NSAID group reduce anxiety and have an anti-inflammatory effect. The transdermal patch is not visible under clothing, the validity period is between 8 and 24 hours (depending on the type);
  • With cervical osteochondrosis and to prevent the disease, you need to do simple daily exercises to prevent blood stasis, increase cartilage elasticity and elasticity of the vertebrae. Rotation, bowing, circular rotation of medium amplitude, doctors recommend doing two or three times a day. The movements are smooth without moving, otherwise you can damage very thin cervical vertebrae;
  • Be sure to take chondroprotectors for four to six months or longer to restore the height and quality of the intervertebral disc. Tablets and ointments with chondroprotective properties give good results in grade 1-3 osteochondrosis, compositions are ineffective in grade 4;
  • Take NSAIDs as directed by your doctor, preferably selectively. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compounds that suppress only one type of cyclooxygenase enzyme have no adverse effects on the body. Medications are more expensive than traditional NSAIDs, but the adverse effects on the central nervous system, heart, and digestive system are several times less;
  • In combination with a dietary drug for cervical osteochondrosis reduces the rate of destruction of the shock-absorbing cushion, accelerates the regeneration process. Be sure to eat with gelatin, leafy greens, red fish, vegetable oil, bran, turkey, dairy products, hard cheese. Strong coffee, animal fats, sweets, fizzy drinks, smoked meats, mashed foods, sour fruits and berries should be strictly limited. It is important to give up alcohol and smoking.


Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis requires a drug complex. Chondroprotectors are taken in the first or third stage of pathology. With the destruction of the intervertebral disc, the rupture of the ring fibrosis, it is not worth spending a lot of money for a long course of therapy to get this type of medication: chondroprotectors are effective only if a sufficient volume of hyaline pillow is maintained.

Effective Drug Groups:

  • analgesics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compounds;
  • neurotropic B vitamins;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • transdermal patches;
  • warming ointments with hot pepper, camphor, snake and bee venom;
  • Circulatory activating drugs.

Other treatments:

treatment options for cervical osteochondrosis
    In the treatment of osteochondrosis
  • turpentine baths. After one course of the procedure, the nutrition of the hyaline cartilage and intervertebral joints improves, the pain syndrome decreases, and the mobility of the problem area improves. Baths with an emulsion of white and yellow turpentine or a mixture of two types of natural products made from processed pine resin are more commonly used in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the chest and spine. However, with cervical spine damage, the technique is also helpful. The procedure has a beneficial effect on the whole body and the support post, which allows us to recommend a useful, cost-effective technique for home physiotherapy;
  • gymnasticsfor cervical osteochondrosis. Exercises should be performed slowly, with a minimum amplitude in the first lessons. Gradual bending, dizziness, and rotation can be done more actively, but concussions and pain should be avoided during exercise. Exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical zone are selected individually by the doctor based on the severity of osteochondrosis. In addition, you can massage the neck and shoulder area: the effect is moderate, without strong pressure.

The best option is to combine home treatment with a visit to the physiotherapy room. Magnetic field, amplipulse, ozokerite applications, mud therapy, turpentine baths increase the effectiveness of home treatment for cervical osteochondrosis. To prevent degenerative and dystrophic changes, it is necessary to avoid exposure to adverse factors and monitor the loads on the neck and shoulder girdle.